So I am sitting here about to write a post I never thought I would have to but I do. Its been decided that for the sake of Islas happiness and future as well as ours that Tom and I have separated. God those words are painful. I am not writing this post for sympathy or for peoples well wishes but I am writing it to help my healing process because as you can imagine its utterly heart-breaking and also to help any other mothers in this situation or going through similar things.
From the outside looking in our relationship looked picture perfect and unfortunately more than half of the time it wasn't all roses and sunshine, we had our problems. Tom and I met last march and I found out I was pregnant in the summer. It was all a massive whirlwind for the both of us, we barley knew one another. We decided as a couple that we wanted to have a baby and we both knew that it would be hard but maybe we were naïve to just how trying it would be. Isla is the most precious thing in both of our lives and we will both continue to be in her life for always and there's no doubt that we both love her unconditionally. Tom is an amazing father and I like to think that I am doing a pretty good job as a mother too but we are not right for one another as much as I wish we were. We are going to maintain a friendship as much as we possibly can but understandingly we both need time to heal and to grieve. This isn't just a normal break up. we had made a life together and brought a beautiful baby girl into it. For us both, Islas happiness is what we want as well as our own. Two happy parents who are separated are much better than two parents who are together but miserable. This is a very recent event in my life, and I don't think it has entirely sunk it yet. I am going to keep up with the blogging as much as I feel I can. I am still going to use this as a way of treasuring my memories with Isla as that's why I started this blog, but I will also use it as a positive tool and most of all I want to help others.
Sorry to hear this! I know how hard it is. At least you are putting Isla first :)